Tips for moving on when your pet been gone

Tips for moving on when your pet has gone to help you move on easily and live a normal life faster than before. With tricks to help you and others to feel better after losing a dear friend.

How to deal when your pet dies

One of the problems that the pet lover don’t want to facing is when you have to say goodbye to your love one, which even though we already knows one day it will happen but it still hard to accept. Even if you love and bond very much making it difficult to accepted. Some people are even miserable for months. So today, we would like to give you a way to deal with it when you lose off your pet. 

Tips for moving on when your pet has gone will help everyone do better.

The first thing to help with the loss of a pet is to accept your feelings

1. Accept your feelings

The first thing to help with the loss of a pet is to accept your feelings. Avoid retaining feelings this will increase the length of time to let yourself feel sad, cry, or let yourself feel some pain. It will be easier to come to terms with but it will depend on the feelings of each person too. In these different time periods there’s no need to hurry. Feelings of sadness may come back again, or periodically.

2. Talk to someone who understands.

It’s a good idea to talk to someone who understands. First, try to find a close friend or someone close to you and tell them the story that you have to face first. But if the people around you do not understand so try to look for other people who have had the same experience, such as a group of pets, forums, or even a hotline to discuss issues instead, as this will help cure your feelings. Along with receiving encouragement and good advice at the same time

3. Deal with guilt

Sometimes the loss of a pet comes from euthanasia. It might make many owners feel guilty about them. Therefore, it is advisable to try to accept and manage your feelings as quickly as possible.

4. Clear your doubts

If anyone has doubts about the death of a pet. Ask your veterinarian to get a clear answer. Do not hold or leave it for many years. Because moving on without any doubt will be easier and faster than having the confusion in your mind.

5. Give rituals to help healing.

Many people feel more comfortable having funerals or rituals for their deceased pet. Because it was like sending him the right and proper way. Moreover, these works give the owner the opportunity to express his sorrow with the utmost.

 Make memories. Making memorabilia items to make memories about pets

6. Make memories.

Making memorabilia items to make memories about pets, such as planting trees, making a grave, keeping bones in the house. Making a special photo album or writing a memoir is another good way to do it. Because these things will help make memories in the head more tangible. It is also honoring pets as a collection of relationships and making us move on more easily than before.

7. Help other animals

Volunteering, such as walking the dog with the cat, cleaning the shelter. Or donate money and items to help other animals. It can help you feel better and be happier.

8. Take care of yourself

When losing a beloved pet most people are sad and stressed. Causing the body to collapse, in poor health, in a bad mood and lack of energy. Therefore, the most important thing that should be done is to help you return to your strength. Turning to taking care of yourself both physically and mentally, such as eating good food, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, meeting and talking with people close to you and doing favorite stress relief activities, etc.

After facing your sorrow for a while, do the ritual properly and make a souvenir or souvenir corner for pets

9. Move On

After facing your sorrow for a while, do the ritual properly and make a souvenir or souvenir corner for pets. Finally, you have to accept, learn and let go in order to adapt to a new life without them.

10. Do not rush to adopt other animals.

No matter how lonely and empty the house was, before adopting a new animal we should take the time to finish through our sorrows and regrets. This will prevent any confusion or problems that may follow, such as being upset with the new pet. Or guilt with an old animal.

Tips for moving on when your pet been gone

However, when you open your heart and are ready to accept animals again. We recommend that you choose a different breed or style. To help prevent comparisons and not to justify new pets.